Publications and Presentations in English

English Publications

MATSUKATA Fuyuko, “Contacting Japan: East India Company Letters to the Shogun,” The Dutch and English East India Companies: Diplomacy, Trade and Violence in Early Modern Asia, (ed. Adam Clulow and Tristan Mostert), Amsterdam University Press, December 2018

MATSUKATA Fuyuko, “Fires and Recoveries Witnessed by the Dutch in Edo and Nagasaki: The Great Fire of Meireki in 1657 and the Great Fire of Kanbun in 1663,” Itinerario 37-3, 2013

MATSUKATA Fuyuko, translated by Adam Clulow, “King Willem II's 1844 Letter to the Shogun "Recommendation to Open the Country",” Monumenta Nipponica, 66-1, 2011

MATSUKATA Fuyuko, “From the Threat of Roman Catholicism to the Shadow of Western Imperialism: Changing Trends in Dutch News Reports Issued to the Tokugawa Bakufu, 1690-1817”, in Large and Broad: The Dutch Impact on Early Modern Asia; Essays in Honor of Leonard Blussé, Toyo Bunko Research Library 13, ed. NAGAZUMI Yoko, (Tokyo: The Toyo Bunko), March 2010

MATSUKATA Fuyuko, “Review: SUZUKI Yasuko, Nagasaki-bugyo no Kenkyu”, Itinerario 3, Leiden, 2007

MATSUKATA Fuyuko, “Review: Ishida Chihiro, Nichiran Boeki no Shiteki Kenkyu [A Historical Study of Japanese Dutch Trade]”, Itinerario 2, Leiden, October 2005

MATSUKATA Fuyuko, “Dutch News Reports (Oranda fusetsugaki)” Bridging the Divide: 400 years The Netherlands-Japan, Hotei Publishing, Leiden, 2000

English Presentations

MATSUKATA Fuyuko,”Comparing Early Modern Diplomatic Sites and Why It Matters,” New Diplomatic History Network 5th Conference, University of Turku, 26 May 2023

MATSUKATA Fuyuko,”Non-English Sources for Global History: An Introduction,” GHCC, the University of Warwick, 14 March 2023

MATSUKATA Fuyuko,”Reading Primary Sources: The Deshima Diaries and the Banned Goods of 1668,” GHCC, the University of Warwick, 14 March 2023

MATSUKATA Fuyuko,”Introduction for the Workshop,” The Indian Ocean, 1600-1800: Exploring the Frontier of Maritime History in Japan (Part Ⅱ),”online, hosted by the Monsoon Project, 24 June, 2022

MATSUKATA Fuyuko,”Toward a Global History of Diplomacy: An Attempt to Break Down Europe’s ‘City Wall’,” online, hosted by the GHCC at Warwick University, 16 March 2022

MATSUKATA Fuyuko,”Introduction,” The Indian Ocean, 1600-1800: Exploring the Frontier of Maritime History in Japan (Part I),”online, hosted by the Monsoon Project, 26 November, 2021

MATSUKATA Fuyuko,”How to Translate Hof/Court into Japanese,” Source Discussion: Terms in Circulation and Categories at Work, 1600-1930 (JSPS=WARWICK collaboration), online, 24 May 2021

MATSUKATA Fuyuko, ”Consuls in Asia: How a Chief of Foreign Residents Became a Diplomat,” Asian Universities Alliance, online hosted by Chulalongkorn University, 16 May2021

【Cancelled by the COVID-19 pandemic】 MATSUKATA Fuyuko,”From Certi-ficate of Rights to Oral Prohibitions: Tokugawa Capitulations in the Seventeenth Century” for the organized panel (organizer: Matsukata) “Trading Papers: New Insights on Early Modern Diplomatic Documents & Practices in Coastal Asia,” AAS Annual Conference, Boston, USA, 19 March 2020

MATSUKATA Fuyuko, “Introduction for Special Seminar “Royal Letters, Imperial Documents: A Japanese, Korean and Thai Trilogue for a Global History of Inter-State Relations”HMC/LUI, the University of Tokyo, 29 November, 2019

MATSUKATA Fuyuko, ”Toward a Global History of Diplomacy, ” <韓中 外交史 總覽> 編纂과 韓中關係史 硏究팀, 서울대학교 (Seoul University), South Korea, 12 August 2019

MATSUKATA Fuyuko, “Five Types of Sakoku, and Perhaps More: Japan’s Self-Portrait within the Context of ‘General History’,” Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, USA, 1 April, 2019

MATSUKATA Fuyuko, “Correspondence between Crowns: A World History of Diplomacy,” Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey, USA, 25 March 2019

MATSUKATA Fuyuko, “Introduction,” the workshop “Correspondence between Crowns: Diplomatic Practices in Siam and its Neighbors in the 17-19 Centuries,” Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand, 19 February 2019

MATSUKATA Fuyuko, “Five Types of Sakoku, and Perhaps More: Japan’s Self-Portrait within the Context of ‘General History’,” University of Naples L’Orientale, Naples, Italy, 13 December, 2018

MATSUKATA Fuyuko, “Five Types of Sakoku, and Perhaps More: Japan’s Self-Portrait within the Context of ‘General History’,” Chair for History of the Modern World , Institute of History, University of Zürich, Zurich, Switzerland, 10 December 2018

MATSUKATA Fuyuko, “Gifts and Commissions as a Replacement of Border Tax: Reevaluation of the VOC gifts to the Tokugawa Shogun,” the workshop “Gifts and Tribute in Early Modern Diplomacy: Global Perspectives,”Warwick in Venice (Palazzo Pesaro-Papafava), Venice, Italy, 8 December 2018

MATSUKATA Fuyuko, Comments for the panel “Continuity and change in Japanese trade and diplomacy during the transition from the late-medieval to the early modern period,” Asian Studies Conference Japan (ASCJ), ICU, Tokyo, 30 June 2018

MATSUKATA Fuyuko, “Towards a Transcultural History of Diplomacy,” Leiden Lecture Series in Japanese Studies, Leiden University, the Netherlands, 8 September 2017

MATSUKATA Fuyuko, “Introduction for ‘Passes for Trade,’ ” EAJS Annual Conference, CHAM, New Lisbon University, Lisbon, 31 August, 2017

MATSUKATA Fuyuko, “Departure of the Shuinsen Project for Trans-national and Trans-local Crossings,” the Japan Foundation, Summer Institute, Shonan Village Center, Hayama (Kanagawa), 7 July, 2017

MATSUKATA Fuyuko, “Countries for Commercial Relations (Tsusho-no-Kuni 通商国):The Tokugawa Struggle to Control the Chinese in Japan,” East Asian Studies Program, Princeton University, Princeton, USA, 12 April 2017

MATSUKATA Fuyuko, Keynote Speech, “Towards a Transcultural History of Diplomacy,” The Core-to-Core Global History Collaborative Workshop, Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, the University of Tokyo,9 December 2016

MATSUKATA Fuyuko, “Countries for Commercial Relations (Tsusho-no-Kuni 通商国): The Tokugawa Struggle to Control the Chinese in Japan,” Global Japan Studies, Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, the University of Tokyo, 24 November 2016

MATSUKATA Fuyuko, “Countries for Commercial Relations (Tsusho-no-Kuni 通商国): The Tokugawa Struggle to Control the Chinese in Japan,” Conference: Maritime Worlds around the China Seas: Emporiums, Connections and Dynamics, Academia Sinica, Taipei, 31 August 2016

MATSUKATA Fuyuko, “Diplomacy without Credentials: Foreign Relations in the 15th-17th Centuries East Asia,” Association for Asian Studies, Convention Center Seattle, U.S.A., March 31, 2016

MATSUKATA Fuyuko, “Overview of Historiography about the Red-Seal Ships (Shuinsen),” InternationalSeminar “Early Modern Vietnam-Japan Relationship: A Regional Perspective,” Vietnam National University, Hanoi, 24 December, 2015

MATSUKATA Fuyuko, “Contacting Japan: East India Company Letters to the Shogun in 1627, 1649, 1667 and 1673,” The Global Company Conference, Internationales Wissenschaftsforum Hidelberg, University of Heidelberg, December 4, 2015

MATSUKATA Fuyuko, “Embassies without Credentials: European Encounter with Japan in 17th Century Depicted in Western and Japanese Documents,” EAJRS, Leiden, The Netherlands, September 17, 2015

MATSUKATA Fuyuko, “Diplomatic Relations with the Zheng Family?: Tokugawa's Struggle to “Control” the Chinese in Japan”, Workshop “Workshop on Maritime Worlds Around the China Seas: Emporiums, Connections and Dynamics,” Academia Cinica, Taipei, Republic of China, 1 July 2015

MATSUKATA Fuyuko, “Nephew of Caron: An Episode in the History of Fusetsugaki,” Symposium of Early Modern Japan Europe, CEEJA, Kientzheim, France, 14 December 2013

MATSUKATA Fuyuko, “An Invisible Institution: The Start of the Dutch-Japanese Contract-Trade”, joint Annual conference of AAS/ICAS, Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S.A., April 3, 2011

MATSUKATA Fuyuko, Keynote Speech, Local History, From the Outside: Using Foreign Sources in Asian History, the University of Tokyo, December 11, 2010

MATSUKATA Fuyuko, “The Ensign of the Bakufu: A Pre-history of Hi-no-maru,” Canton and Nagasaki Compared, Nagasaki, 3 December 2009

MATSUKATA Fuyuko, “The Catalogue Database of the Batavia's Uitgaand Briefboek”, Open Seminar Opening-up and Editing Early Modern Dutch Sources for the Dutch and Japanese History, Het Instituut voor Nederlandse Geschiedenis, Den Haag, The Netherlands, 31 August 2009

MATSUKATA Fuyuko, “Catholics from Siam?: Dutch News Reports, 1686-1715”, The EAJS Conference, Lecce, Italy, 21 September 2008

MATSUKATA Fuyuko, “Dutch reports in Japan about the Opium War”, Canton Nagasaki Compared, Macao, China, 6 December 2007 (Transactions, Canton and Nagasaki Compared, 1730-1830; Dutch, Chinese, Japanese Relations, eds.Evert Groenendijk, Cynthia Viallé and Leonard Blussé, Intercontinenta No. 26, Leiden , Universiteit Leiden, 2009)

MATSUKATA Fuyuko, “Whispers from the West: Dutch Reporting of World News during the Tokugawa Period, 1641-1859”, the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, U.S.A., 18 April 2006

MATSUKATA Fuyuko, “Whispers from the West: Dutch Reporting of World News during the Tokugawa Period, 1641-1859”, Reischauer Institute special lecture, Edwin O. Reischauer Institute of Japanese Studies, Harvard University, Cambridge, U.S.A., 17 April 2006

MATSUKATA Fuyuko, “Dutch Reporting of World News to the Japanese Government: 1641-1859”, The 4th TANAP Workshop, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 11 January 2005

Dutch Publication

MATSUKATA Fuyuko, “Hollandse nieuwsbrieven (Oranda fusetsugaki)” Bewogen Betrekkingen: 400 jaar Nederland-Japan, Hotei Publishing, Leiden, 2000

松方 冬子(まつかた ふゆこ) 東京大学 史料編纂所 准教授 博士(文学) Associate Professor,the University of Tokyo Ph.D.(the University of Tokyo, 2008)







