           72. RECORDS OF TAXES AT TO-NO-HARA, c. 1330

                       (Terao docs.; also KK, VIII.)
THE two documents that follow are undated, but A would seem to date after the settlement of
dispute that had resulted in the investitures already cited, (No.71), and before the death of any of
the invested persons; and an examination of B shows that its date could hardly be far removed
from that of No. 70. So here they are provisionally dated 1330.
  A indicates the sharing of the payment of the dues to the kuni by the chief members of the Terao
family. B is an incomplete account of the holdings in the northern half of To-no-hara upon which,
it appears, a tax of 40 mon per tan had been levied, perhaps by the sho-gun's government for an
unusual reason. Of the proper names in this document, some are the names of estates, while the
others are the names of holders, present or original, with which the estates had become so closely
associated that the personal names of the former were used to indicate the latter. The two docu-
ments together throw light, and at the same time call up important problems, on the institutions at
Iriki in the last days of the Kamakura period (1186-1333).

     "ARRANGEMENT about the annual tax(nen-gu) for the kuni from To-no-hara,       Iriki in.
"Rice,11.27608 koku, of which:-
       1.7894  koku, the share of Iya-shiro1 dono;
       1.467   koku, the share of Zhiro-saburo2 dono;
        .657   koku, the share of Iya-saburo3 dono;
        .34    koku, the share of Rokuro-saburo dono;
        .1851  koku, the share of the daughter;
        .244   koku, the share of the estate left by Kawakita Mata-saburo4 dono, of
       5.474   koku, the share of the heir-general.5
"Money for the 'light articles,'6 700 mon; requisition at the installation, 7 4 kwan 449
                                                                                  mon; of which:
At installation,.790, and light articles,.115, share of Iya-shiro dono;
at installation,.687, and light articles,.099, share of the widow;
at installation,.490, and light articles,.067, share of Zhiro-saburo dono;
at installation,.272, and light articles,.040, share of Iya-saburo dono;
at installation,.140, and light articles,0.25, share of Rokuro-saburo dono;
at installation,.083, and light articles,.012, share of the daughter;
at installation,.121, and light articles,.016, share of Uchino;
at installation,2.166, and light articles,.245, share of the heir general."

                      (On the reverse side), "Share of the northern side."
       "The account of * * *8 forty mon per tan.
      Ki-to-zhi,-1.6.11/2,9 of which
                  0.3.0, ta deducted,10
                 0.1.21/2, half [due],11
                 0.2.0,not cultivated;
             taxble12 ta, 0.4.4, inclusive of the grant lot.13
      Kaki-no-ki hara,-0.4.2.
      Tsuka-wara,-0.7.21/2, of which ta deducted,10 0.1.0;
             taxable12 ta, 0.6.21/2.
   Moro-taro,-0.1.4; not cultivated, 0.0.11/2.
   * * * 8
     Zhuro-dayu,-0.6.3; not cultivated, 0.4.11/2.
   Iya-goro ken-gyo,-0.7.41/2, of which
                             0.2.0, ta deducted, 10 called in as demesne;14
           taxable ta, 0.5.41/2, inclusive of the grant lot.
     Furu-ya sono,- ta, deducted and half,11 0.1.21/2;
             taxable ta,0.9.1.
   O-Mure,-0.5.2: not cultivated, 0.1.1.
     Iya-saburo, Tashiro,-1.1.31/2: not cultivated, 0.3.31/2:
Z15Kuma-tsuru, of the same place,-0.8.0.
     Estate left by Ho-Chi,-0.7.11/2.
   Kawa-ya,-2.5.0; not cultivated.
Z Ko-ba,-1.1.3.
Z Mine-goshi,-0.5.0: this is a place of half.11
              Taxable ta, 0.2.21/2.
Z Estate left by Kusa-to Betto,-0.8.31/2.
     To-kuro nyu-do,-0.7.0,half.11
Z Kado-oka,-0.7.2; not cultivated, 0.3.0.
     Naka-sato Zhiro-taro,-1.3.0.
Z Estate left by Ta-hei-zo,-1.0.2.
     Awata nyu-do,-1.3.0.
     Estate left by Shin-hei-zo nyu-do,-2.0.0.
     Lower O-sono,-0.7.0.
     Upper O-sono,-0.7.0.
   Originally8a Kariya-saki?
     Estate left by Ta-to-ta nyu-do,-1.2.3.
   Gyo-bu Zhiro,-0.6.3.
     Estate left by Hashiguchi nyu-do,-0.6.21/2: not cultivated, 0.4.0.
   To-shichi, Mae-toko,-0.6.0; exclusive of Kokoro-no, 0.3.0.

1Shigena. 2Uchishige. 3Shigemi. 4Nobushige, a nephew of Koreshige, who died some time before. 5Shigehiro. 6Kei-motsu. See No. 22, n. 5. 7It was customary, when a new kuni governor was appointed, to require all prominent residents to pay something toward the expenses of his induction to office. 8Worm-eaten. 8aHon(original) or moto(originally); the character admits these two readings. If "original"is intended, that must mean that the holding had not changed hands. 9The units are cho,tan,jo. 10Hiki ta. 11This probably manes a half tax. 12Jo. See No. 18, n. 9. 13Kyu-bun 14Yo-saku; see No. 59, n. 10. 15These marks appear in the original.