                      (A copy in Gon-Shuin docs, roll VII.)
THE list was prepared for a special purpose, which may be conjectured from the mutilated heading,
and, therefore, may not be regarded as an exhaustiv ecatalogue of the go ke-nin in the places named.
Nevertheless, the list is of much value to the student, as it throws light on the state of the feudal
society of this general region on the eve of a great civil war.

"REPORT: [The names of]1 the men of whom an inquest may be made as to whether
they have heard it said that, since Kokubun Suke-zhiro nyu-do Do-Nen held the
orders * * * 1 Niita Temple, [      ] should be bought from * * * 1 the Temple.
          "In all
"Men of Shibuya: Shin-hei-zhi nyu-do;2 Iya-hei-zo nyu-do;
   Kuruma-uchi Mata-zhiro nyu-do; Kitao, of Soeda; Terao; the ji-to of Naka-
   mura; Yamaguchi, of Soeda; Deputy ji-to of Kusumoto.
"Hyo-go no zho, son of Sakawa Hei-nai-byo-e, the deputy shu-go of this kuni.
"Taki kori:
    The deputy ji-to, Okura Saemon nyu-do; Emon-zhiro nyu-do, the deputy ji-to of
    Yuta; Awoto, the deputy ji-to of Kwannon-Maru; the collector3 Taro-byo-e nyu-
    do; the Zai-koku-shi brothers; Takemitsu Mago-saburo nyu-do; his younger
    brother, Tomo-saburo nyu-do; Kamimura Rokuro nyu-do; his younger brother,
    Saburo nyu-do.
'In Satsuma kori:
    The ji-to of one half, Honda Minbu nyu-do; the jito of one half, Odawara Iya-
    zhiro nyu-do; the gun-zhi, Yoshitomi Mata-taro nyu-do; the lord4 of Narieda,
    Ueno Shiro-taro; his younger brother Saburo-shiro; Naritomi Taro; his younger
    brother Hiko-zhiro; Yamada Kuro nyu-do; Nobutoki Tominaga; [Akasaki Sho-
    Sen];5 Mitsutomi Mata-zhiro nyu-do; Shirahama Saburo nyu-do; the same
    [family name] Goro nyu-do; the same Mago-roku nyu-do.
"Miyasato go:
    The ji-to, Shikibu Mago-shichi; the ji-to of two-thirds, Takasaki Zhiro nyu-do;
    the gun-zhi, Kuro nyu-do; Mastumoto nyu-do at Masutomi; Iya-goro nyu-do;
    Mata-saburo nyu-do; Mata-taro nyu-do; Mata-zhiro nyu-do; Iya-shiro nyu-do;
    Saburo-zhiro; Iya-roku nyu-do; Zen-Ri bo; the in-su of An-yo zhi; Tsuruwo-
    Maru Sho-Sen;6 Ishidzuka Saburo nyu-do,of Takae; the same Mata-taro nyu-
    do; The same Hei-shichi nyu-do; the same Ko-shiro nyu-do; the same Saburo-
    shiro; Mata-shiro nyu-do; Dai-saburo nyu-do; Goro-taro nyu-do; Ki-hei-zo nyu-
    do; Ki-to-go nyu-do; Zho-Gwan bo, of Nagasaki dera; Gen-Cho bo; Masaki Sa-
    buro-goro nyu-do; Horikiri Rokuro-taro nyu-do; Ryo-Sho bo; Rokuro-zhiro
"Ichiku Mago-taro.
"Togo Saburo-zaemon nyu-do; his son, Saemon nyu-do;
  Zai-koku-shi Shiro nyu-do, of Tori-maru.
    "The above list of the names of the men of whom inquiries may be made is pro-
visionally reported thus.
        "Ka-ryaku 3rd year [1328].             QQQQQQQQQ."7

1Worm-eaten. 2This is the fourth lord of Iriki-in, Shigemoto. 3Shu-no shi. 4Ryo-shu, "holder." 5Cancelled thus in the original; the same as 6. 7Abridged in the original copy into a single stroke.