
                        (Terao docs.; also KK, VIII.)
NOW the dispute lay between Shigena and his younger brother Uchishige. According to No. 64, the
latter had received from Koreshige, his father, the sho-shi share of To-no-hara, in its southern part.
It was to the control of this that Shigena now directed his effort. The following is an order con-
cerning this litigation issued by Hojo Hidetoki, the commissioner of the sho-gun, who was stationed
at Hakata, on the northern coast of Kyu-shu. It is addressed to the warrior bearing the ancient title
"gun-zhi,"kori-magistrate, of Akune, who doubtless was a go ke-nin, and was expected to carrv
out within the limits of his own authority orders of the sho-gun's commissioner.
  "The renewed statement by Yu-Shin, the proxy for Shibuya Iya-shiro Shigena, re-
garding the ta,hata, and houses(zai-ka), of the southern part of To-no-hara, in Iriki
in, Satsuma kuni, is sent herewith. Since Shibuya Zhiro-saburo1 disobeyed summons, it
has been commanded that he be urged [to attend the court].An answer should be
presented within a few days. Therefore, [the order] is conveyed thus.
  "Ka-ryaku 2 y. intercalary 9 m. 28 d. [12 Nov. 1327]. Shuri-no-suke,2 (monogram).
      "Akune gun-zhi dono."

1Namely, Uchishige. 2This is Hojo Hidetoki