                 52. COMPROMISE REGARDING KIYOSHIKI, 1308
                                     (Okamoto docs.; also KK, VII.)
THOUGH their personal names are not given, the manner of their signatures shows that the parties to
the following compromise were ladies. We further infer that one of them was of the main Iriki-in
family, and the other, of its Shimomura branch,-both having sprung from the Taira and Shibuya
stock. Very likely they were sisters married, respectively, to an Iriki-in and a Shimomura, whose
earlier compromise we have already seen (in 1291, No. 46; also see the table B). Some one of the
Shimomura family-probably Shigeuji-had died, and a dispute ensued between the ladies about the
southern part of Kiyoshiki; a compromise was reached, whereby the Iriki-in side, here referred to as
Kiyoshiki after the abode of that family, should henceforth share a tenth of the burdens of that
       "Letter of compromise [regarding] the distribution of the obligations 1 of the estate left by
   Shimomura dono. Toku-ji 3rd year 1st month - day."
"COMPROMISE [in regard to]
   The distribution of the various obligations1 of the south part of Kiyoshiki, Iriki in.
   One-tenth [is] Kiyoshiki's share.
"Of the rice for the kuni government, 3.789138 koku, -
                                             Kiyoshiki's share, 0.379 koku.
"Of the ta exempted 2 for the temple-church,3 4 tan 1/2 jo; rice due, 2.5koku,―
                                             Kiyoshiki's share: ta, 2 jo; rice due, 0.25 koku.
"Of the rice for the original service, from the ta exempted2 at Kusumoto, 0.3055 koku,
   ―Kiyoshiki's share, 0.0355 koku.
"Of the annual tax, copper money, for the kuni governor and for the domanial lord4 2
   kwan 121 mon,―
           Kiyoshiki's share 1 kwan 911 mon, for the domanial lord;
                                                                                                   210 mon, for the kuni governor.
"Of the rice for the domanial lord, 3.735738 koku,―
                                             Kiyoshiki's share, 0.37358 koku.
"Of the cotton, 16 ryo5 1 bu,5―
                                             the share of the same, 1 ryo 2 bu 11/2 shu.5
"Of the coarse thread, 4 ryo, [value in] copper money, 3 mon, and sei-go,6 2 mon-
               the share of the same, 1 bu 3 mon-me, with sei-go.6
"Of the copper money in lieu of barley, 480 mon,―
                                             the share of the same, 45 mon.
"Of the rice for the sho-sei7 since Ka-gen 4th year 3rd month 10th day, [23 April
   1306], 0.75 koku.―
                                             the share of the same, 0.075 koku.
   "The aforesaid various obligations are, by reason of compromise, hereby fixed thus.
     "Toku-ji 3 y, 1 m. ― d. [February 1308].         Taira uji,8 (monogram).
                                                                                               "Taira uji,( monogram)."

1Ku-zhi, often meaning services or their commutations. The word may also mean, as here, obliga- tions in general. The word occurred also in No. 49 regarding another part of Iriki in; to whom those ku-zhi were due in 1299 from To-no-hara may in part be inferred from the present document. 2Men; see NO. 18, n. 5. 3Miya-dera, a Buddhist church connected with a Shinto temple. 4Ryo-ke. 5Ryo, bu, shu. For ryo, see No. 49, n. 9; it is presumed for the present that this unit was the same for cotton and thread as for the precious metals. A ryo consisted in later ages of 4 bu or 24 shu, but in 1308 the shu may have been in a different ratio as regards the ryo. 6Sei-go, a strong silk fabric. 7Sho-sei; see NO. 51, n.3. 8Uji; see No. 12, n. 8.