                   (Copies in Terao docs.; also KK, VIII.)
APPARENTLY a dispute had again arisen between the Terao brothers, Shigehiro and Shigena, and
both parties had been ordered to make full reports to the sho-gun's government of the estate left by
their late father Koreshige. Shigehiro's report(A) was presented first, and Shigena, probably as the
defendant in a new litigation, was thus enabled to define wherein his claims differed from that of
his opponent.
   KK contains three nearly identical copies of Shigena's report(B). SK, XI, also gives a copy, but
it was apparently confused a little with Shigehiro's report(A), and therefore should not be relied

                               A. REPORT BY SHIGEHIRO
  Respecting the estate left by Shibuya Mago-saburo Koreshige.
"In Terao mura, Shibuya upper sho, Sagami kuni:-
    Ta and land, 4 tan;
    Houses(zai-ke), 2, of which
     1, the ji-to's homestead (ya-shiki);
     also hill and wild land, 1 cho;
    Houses, 5, to which are attached hills and wild land.
     These have been seized by So-Man bo, the in-su of Ho-on zhi.
"To-no-hara go, in Iriki in, Satsuma kuni:-
    Public ta,1 18 cho 71/2tan, to which are attached hills, river, and wild waste land.
    Of this: the ji-to's homestead, 1 place. Akasaki Ku-nai nyu-do Ryo-Zen, Naga-
yoshi Naka nyu-do Kwan-Sho, and Goro nyu-do Sai-Nen, reside here. It includes
3 tan of ta at Kabame.
Zho-Komori mura; houses 4: Kawabuchi nyu-do; Iya-shiro nyu-do;
                                  Hei- shiro; Hiko-shiro nyu-do.
Fujiwaki mura; 1 house: no 'cultivator.'2
Kariya-zaki mura; 2 houses: Yamaguchi Zhiro; Gyobu nyu-do.
                           There is a market place(ichi-ba).
Osono mura; 2 houses: Mata-zhiro nyu-do; one house has no cultivator.2
[Estate]4 left by To-kuro nyu-do; 1 house: no 'cultivator.'2
Nakasato mura; 3 houses: Rokuro-shiro; Mata-zhiro; Oka-roku,-this is held for
                          one life by So-Man bo.
Furuya sono; 3 houses: [estate] left by Goto Roku nyu-do; [estate] left by the
                          tanner nyu-do; the potter's 'cultivation.'3
Kabame; 1 house: Iya-to-ta nyu-do.
Nakatsuka; 1 house: Ki-shiro nyu-do.
Yoko-makura; 1 house: the commissioner.5
Kume-kata; 1 house: Gen-taro nyu-do.
Utsugi-nami; 4 houses: Taira nyu-do; Hei-tayu nyu-do; Taro-dayu nyu-do; Nishi-
                    wara has no 'cultivator.'2
Tsukawara; 1 house: To-zaburo.
Kawaya; 1 house: Shiro nyu-do.
Tashiro; 3 houses: [estate] left by Saburo-dayu; [estate] left by Do-Bo; [one]
                    has no 'cultivator.'2
Konoha; 1 house: Mata-goro.
Kanaya; 1 house: half, Iya-saburo-dayu nyu-do; one-fourth, To-zhi; one fourth
Hashiguchi; 2 houses: Kuro-zhiro; Sakon nyu-do.
Hiwaki: 1 house: Goto Tayu nyu-do.
Murakoda; 3 houses: two houses have no 'cultivators';2 one house, Goro-taro
Maetoko; 2 houses: Moro-zhiro nyu-do; To-shichi nyu-do.
Kakinoki-hara; 1 house: Iya-shiro.
Mine-goshi; 1 house: Ishi-wo.
Matsu-maru; 1 house: the tanner, Mata-taro nyu-do.
Yunoki-da; 1 house. Of this, however, 2 cho have been seized by the myo-shu, and
  are just now under examination.
  "Lots actually cultivated as demesnes:6
      9 tan, of which: Izhiri, 1 tan; Sakuragi, 3 tan; Tsuki-kata, 1 tan; Kabame,
         3 tan. The ji-to's homestead attached.
  "Kuchi-machi, 1 cho.7.
   "Kashira-da, 1 cho.7.
"Lower Nagao sho, Sawara kori, Chikuzen kuni:
   "Ta and land, 10 cho, of which
        2 cho, in actual holding(to chi-gyo);
        hata, 2 tan;, in actual holding.
     "Homesteads, 4 places, of which
        in actual holding, 1 place: Ken-gyo Zhiro.
"In Tominaga myo, Minaki sho, Chikugo kuni:
    hata at . . .8-gawara, 1 cho: the myo-shu's own.9
"In Dai-ku-den. Ise kuni,-at Mida:
    ta and land, 1 cho.
  "The above are reported thus.
    "Ka-ryaku 3 y. 12 m. 21 d. [21 Jan. 1329].    Taira no Shigehiro, monogram."


#70-B B. REPORT BY SHIGENA "Corrected and returned." "Correcting and returning [the report of the estate] left by Shibuya Mago-saburo Koreshige. "In Terao mura, Shibuya upper sho, Sagami kuni:- ta and land, 4 tan; houses, 2, of which 1 house, homestead of Naka-saburo nyu-do,-good [quality]; 1 house, homestead of Goto Taro,-poor [quality]; "According to Shigehiro's report, one of the 2 houses is the ji-to homestead, etc; this is a baseless falsehood, both being [from] formerly hyaku-sho homesteads. Also hill, wild land, and wooded land. "Houses, 5, to which are attached hills and wild land. "These have been seized by So-Man bo, the in-su of Ho-on zhi. "To-no-hara go, in Iriki in, Satsuma kuni:- "Public ta,1 18cho 71/2 tan. "This is only the public ta. Though there is a large residue, I cannot report it in full, as I do not possess the land-register for tax collection. Since Shigehiro cunningly omits to present with his report his book of collection, despite his possession thereof, it should perhaps be ordered to the commissioner for the Chin-Zei,10 that the public ta be divided, and the residue of the soil be [granted us] to hold according to capacity.11 "Houses:- 1 place, the ji-to's enclosure;12 good. 4 places, Zho-komori mura; good; 1 house, Fujiwaki; medium. In this, there are Bishamon do and the Twelfth miya and its grounds and ex- empted ta . 213 houses, Kariya-zaki; good. There is a market-place. This is a profitable land; its division is greatly desired. 1 house, To-kuro nyu-do; medium. 2 houses, Osono; medium. In this, there are Ten-zhin [temple] grounds and exempted ta. 3 places, Nakasato; medium. Of these 1 house, called Oka-roku's house, is So-Man bo's share for one life; the future holder should be decided. 3 places, Furuya-sono; poor. Of these: P222 1 house, Shigena's actual residence. In this there are Yakushi do and Mishima temple and its grounds and ex- empted ta. 1 house, Kabame; poor. In this, there are Amida do, its grounds and exempted ta. 1 house, Naka-tsuka; good. In this, there are Waka-miya and its grounds and exempted ta. 1 house, Yoko-makura; poor. 1 house, Kume-kata; best. 4 houses, Utsugi-nami; best. In this, there are Gon-gen do and its exempted land and exempted ta. 1 house, Tsuka-wara; poor. 1 house, Kawaya; medium. 3 houses, Tashiro; medium. 1 house, Konoha; medium. According to Shigehiro's report, '1 house, etc.'; how can he escape the guilt of concealment? 2 houses, Kanaya; good. 1 house, Hiwaki; poor. 3 houses, Murako-da; poor. At this place, there are Kwannon do, 1 house, and its grounds and exempted ta. 2 houses, Maetoko; poor. In this, there are Suwa shrine and its grounds and exempted ta. 1 house, Kakinoki-hara; poorest. 1 house, Mine-goshi; poor. 1 house, Matsu-maru; medium. "The hata that Shigehiro completely conceals: 1 house, To-zhi, poor; 1 house, Naga-yoshi nyu-do, poor; 1 house, Goro-taro nyu-do, poor; 1 house, Akasaki nyu-do, poor; 1 house, Minahara, poor. "Yunoki-da: Lots cultivated as demesne,14 9 tan, of which: 1 tan, Izhiri, good; 2 tan, Tsuki-kata, medium; 3 tan, Sakuragi, medium; 3 tan, Kabame, good. 1 cho, Kuchi-machi, good. 1 cho, medium, Kashira-da. In this there is a temple ta. Besides these, there are immense lots of hills, wild land, and river; these may be divided according to capacity.11 Also there is [land] which is said to have been seized by the myo-shu of Yunoki-da and is just now under examination. "In Lower Nagao sho, Sawara kori, Chikuzen kuni: ta and land, 2 cho; hata, 2 tan; homestead, 1 place. "In Minaki sho, Chikugo kuni; poor. hata, 1 cho P223 "In Dai-ku-den, Ise kuni;good: rice-land, 1 cho. "The above are reported thus. "Ka-ryaku 4 y. 5 m. - d. [June, 1329.] Taira no Shigena."
1Ko-den, public rice-land. See No. 9, n. 13. 2Saku-nin. 3Saku. 4This item is checked with a short line,-probably cancelled. 5Jo-shi, literally, regular messenger. 6To sho-saku bun. The editor hopes the construction is right. 7No other notes accompany these two items. In B, these appear to be also demesnes. 8The two characters here are evidently wrong, and the place is unidentifiable. 9"Own 'cultivation'" is probably meant. 10That is, the sho-gun's deputy at Hakata. 11Namely, according to the extent of the present holdings of the parties. 12Hori-uchi, "within the moat," The warrior's house usually had ditches around it, in order to make it defensible at need by drawing the bridges. Warfare at that time depended largely on bow and arrow. 133? 14Sho-saku.