
#143 143. GRANT OF I-ZAKO TO IRIKI-IN SHIGETSUGU,1560 (Iriki-in docs.; also KK, V.) IN spite of the lord's displeasure which his father's conduct had incurred upon himself, Iriki-in Shigetsugu, son and heir of Shigetomo, was permitted to continue to pay court to the shu-go; Shigetsugu, in fact, rendered armed service in several minor campaigns. For nearly ten years from 1548, however, Shigetsugu and other men of the Shibuya aided in the insurrections led by Honda and Kimotsuki about Koku-bu and Kajiki, near which the Keto-in held a domain. By high ability and the magnanimous treatment which he always accorded to an enemy who yielded, Shimadzu Taka- hisa succeeded in winning his recent antagonists and annexing their territories. The following grant was a result. "I-zako1 myo, in Kagoshima, is vested(ade okonau) in you, by reason of [your] service(ho-ko). You shall forthwith, in accordance with this order, hold the same. Ordered thus. "Ei-roku 2 y., tsuchinoto hitsuzhi,2 12 m. 23 d. [9January 1560]. Takahisa, monogram. "Iriki-in Kaga no kami dono."
1Local pronunciation for Inu-sako. I-zako is northwest of Kagoshima and south of Hishi-zhima. 2The 56th in a cycle.